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Lallemand’s presence in the brewing industry dates from the early 1970s when the company started producing dried pure culture brewing yeasts for beer kit manufacturers in Canada. In subsequent years, this activity was expanded to the production of other specific ale and lager beer yeast strains for different clients in the United States, Europe and Australia and Asia.


Supported by decades of long-standing industry experience, an extensive support network and strong technical expertise, Lallemand Brewing is positioned to help your brewery achieve its growth and quality goals. Beyond an unparalleled global technical support and expertise, we offer an extensive range of products, services and education.

Results for Lallemand

    • Lallemand LalBrew Pomona™ - Modern Hybrid IPA Yeast

      Lallemand LalBrew Pomona™ - Modern Hybrid IPA Yeast


      LalBrew Pomona™ is a hybrid yeast that was selected for flavor and fermentation performance in hoppy beers. Named after the goddess of fruit trees, LalBrew Pomona™ produces a unique and juicy flavor profile with notes of peach, citrus, and tropical fruits. This strain was developed by our partner Escarpment Laboratories (Canada) using advanced yeast breeding and adaptive laboratory evolution in high ABV and highly hopped IPA fermentations. The result is a fruity, stress-tolerant, and robust strain that enhances biotransformation and haze for modern IPA styles.

    • Lallemand LalBrew LoNa™ - Low Alcohol Hybrid Ale Yeast

      Lallemand LalBrew LoNa™ - Low Alcohol Hybrid Ale Yeast


      LalBrew® LoNa™ is a maltose-negative hybrid strain that has been selected to have ideal characteristics for the production of low and non-alcoholic beers. Advanced classical and non-GMO breeding methods were used to select a strain that does not consume maltose or maltotriose, resulting in very low attenuation.

    • Lallemand LalBrew NovaLager™ - Modern Hybrid Lager Yeast

      Lallemand LalBrew NovaLager™ - Modern Hybrid Lager Yeast


      A true bottom fermenting Saccharomyces pastorianus hybrid that has been selected to produce clean lager beers with distinct flavor characteristics and superior fermentation performance. The distinct flavor profile is very clean, slight esters over a wide temperature range. This strain is a low VDK/diacetyl producer and utilizes patented technology from the University of California Davis (USA) to ensure that the strain will not produce hydrogen sulfide (H2S) off-flavors, therefore reducing the maturation time associated with lager beer production.

    • AB Vickers/Lallemand Aromazyme

      AB Vickers/Lallemand Aromazyme


      A food-grade enzyme capable of hydrolyzing glycosidic bonds, liberating monoterpene alcohol compounds, and glucose; increases hop aroma and flavor in beer.

    • AB Vickers/Lallemand Cryofine - Purified Isinglass

      AB Vickers/Lallemand Cryofine - Purified Isinglass


      Purifed isinglass in a convenient powder form. It is added to beer at the end offermentation to speed maturation and improve filtration.

    • AB Vickers/Lallemand Servomyces Zinc-enriched Yeast Nutrient

      AB Vickers/Lallemand Servomyces Zinc-enriched Yeast Nutrient


      A naturally enriched single-strain brewing yeast that is used as a biological yeast nutrient, designed to accumulate needed minerals during fermentation.

    • Lallemand LalBrew Abbaye™ - Belgian Ale Yeast

      Lallemand LalBrew Abbaye™ - Belgian Ale Yeast


      An ale yeast of Belgian origin. Selected for its ability to ferment Belgian style beers ranging from low to high alcohol, LalBrew Abbaye™ produces the spiciness and fruitiness typical of Belgian and Trappist style ales. When fermented at higher temperatures, typical flavors and aromas include tropical, spicy and banana. At lower temperatures, LalBrew Abbaye™ produces darker fruit aromas and flavors of raisin, date, and fig.

    • Lallemand LalBrew Belle Saison™ - Belgian Saison-Style Yeast

      Lallemand LalBrew Belle Saison™ - Belgian Saison-Style Yeast


      A Belgian-style ale yeast selected specifically for its ability to create Saison-style beers. LalBrew Belle Saison™ is a diastaticus strain that allows the brewers to achieve the high attenuation characteristic of this classic style. Designed for warm-temperature fermentation true to traditional “Farmhouse” production methods, beers brewed with LalBrew Belle Saison™ are fruity, spicy, and refreshing. Through expression of a β-glucosidase enzyme, LalBrew Belle Saison™ can promote hop biotransformation and accentuate hop flavor and aroma in hoppy saison-style beers.

    • Lallemand LalBrew BRY-97™ - West Coast Ale Yeast

      Lallemand LalBrew BRY-97™ - West Coast Ale Yeast


      An American West Coast-style ale yeast that was selected from the Siebel Institute Culture Collection for its ability to produce clean fermentations for high quality ales. LalBrew BRY-97™ is a neutral and highly attenuating strain with a high flocculation ability that can be used to make a wide variety of American-style beers. Through expression of a β-glucosidase enzyme, LalBrew BRY-97™ can promote hop biotransformation and accentuate hop flavor and aroma.

    • Lallemand Lalbrew Wit™ - Belgian Wit-Style Ale Yeast

      Lallemand Lalbrew Wit™ - Belgian Wit-Style Ale Yeast


      A relatively neutral wheat beer strain which can be used to produce a wide variety of wheat beer styles. LalBrew Wit™ produces lower levels of esters and phenols compared to traditional hefeweizen strains such as LalBrew Munich Classic™. LalBrew Wit™ provides a baseline profile of banana and spice aromas, but leaves space for the brewer to showcase other spice additions typical of Belgian-style beers.

    • Lallemand LalBrew CBC-1™ - Cask & Bottle Conditioning Yeast

      Lallemand LalBrew CBC-1™ - Cask & Bottle Conditioning Yeast


      Specifically selected from the Lallemand Yeast Culture Collection for Cask and Bottle Conditioning applications due to its high resistance to alcohol and pressure. LalBrew CBC-1™ has a neutral flavor profile and does not metabolize maltotriose, therefore the original character of the beer is preserved after refermentation. The yeast will settle and form a tight mat at the bottom of the bottle or cask. LalBrew CBC-1™ is also an ideal strain for primary fermentation of dry ciders, mead, and hard-seltzer. For simple sugar fermentations with appropriate yeast nutrition, LalBrew CBC-1™ achieves high attenuation with a clean and neutral flavor profile.

    • Lallemand LalBrew Diamond™ - Lager Yeast

      Lallemand LalBrew Diamond™ - Lager Yeast


      A true lager strain selected from the Doemens Academy Culture Collection in Germany. LalBrew Diamond™ delivers excellent fermentation performance, and has the ability to produce clean, authentic lagers

    • Lallemand Fermaid K™ - Yeast Nutrient

      Lallemand Fermaid K™ - Yeast Nutrient


      A blended complex yeast nutrient that supplies ammonia salts (DAP), free amino acids, sterols, unsaturated fatty acids, key nutriens, and inactive yeast.

    • Lallemand Fermaid O™ - Yeast Nutrient

      Lallemand Fermaid O™ - Yeast Nutrient


      A fermentation aid using an organic source of nitrogen; achivieve a better fermentation with more stable temperature levels.

    • Lallemand GoFerm™ - Rehydration Nutrient

      Lallemand GoFerm™ - Rehydration Nutrient


      A natural rehydration nutrient containing a balance of micronutrients, developed to enhance kinetics and thereby avoid problem fermentations.

    • Lallemand WildBrew Helveticus Pitch™ - Bacteria for Brewing

      Lallemand WildBrew Helveticus Pitch™ - Bacteria for Brewing


      A ready-to-use dried bacteria, a strain of Lactobacillus helveticus was specifically selected for its ability to produce a wide range of sour beer styles. In comparison to WildBrew Sour Pitch™, the new bacteria produces a more intense citrusy flavor at higher temperatures. Additionally, WildBrew Helveticus Pitch™ will deliver unmatched consistency, effortless application, fully assured performance, and unparalleled purity for brewing the sour beer style of your choice.

    • Lallemand LalBrew Koln™ - Kolsh Style Ale Yeast

      Lallemand LalBrew Koln™ - Kolsh Style Ale Yeast


      Ideal for brewing traditional Kölsch-style beers and other neutral ales. The neutral character of this strain accentuates delicate hop aromas while imparting subtle fruity esters. Through expression of a β-glucosidase enzyme, LalBrew Köln™ can promote hop biotransformation and accentuate hop flavor and aroma. Colder fermentations will be more neutral in character, while warmer fermentations will have a more fruit-forward ester profile.

    • Lallemand LalBrew London™ - Englysh Style Ale Yeast

      Lallemand LalBrew London™ - Englysh Style Ale Yeast


      A true English ale strain selected for its ability to produce authentic, traditional UK beer styles. Fermentation performance is fast and consistent producing moderate esters and lower attenuation due to an inability to metabolize maltotriose. LalBrew London™ is one of the original Heritage Strains selected from the Lallemand Yeast Culture Collection when Lallemand Brewing was founded in 1992.

    • Lallemand LalBrew Munich Classic™ - Wheat Beer Yeast

      Lallemand LalBrew Munich Classic™ - Wheat Beer Yeast


      A Bavarian wheat beer strain selected from the Doemens Academy Culture Collection in Germany. It imparts the spicy and fruity aroma profile typical of German wheat beer styles. LalBrew Munich Classic™ produces higher levels of esters and phenols compared to traditional Belgian wheat beer strains such as LalBrew Wit™. A true top-cropping yeast, LalBrew Munich Classic™ can be skimmed off the top of classic open fermentation vessels using traditional methods.

    • Lallemand LalBrew Nottingham™ - High Performance Ale Yeast

      Lallemand LalBrew Nottingham™ - High Performance Ale Yeast


      An English-style ale yeast selected for its high performance and versatility. Neutral flavor and consistent performance across diverse fermentation conditions make LalBrew Nottingham™ and ideal house strain for producing a wide variety of beer styles. Through moderate expression of β-glucosidase and β-lyase enzymes, LalBrew Nottingham™ can promote hop biotransformation and accentuate hop flavor and aroma. LalBrew Nottingham™ is one of the original Heritage Strains selected from the Lallemand Yeast Culture Collection when Lallemand Brewing was founded in 1992.